Jay Harris!

Problem Solver at Arana Software

Jay is a code wrangler, software consultant, and owner of Arana Software. He has been developing on the web since 1995, when the Blink tag lured him away from Visual Basic 3, and has been awarded as a Microsoft Regional Director, ASPInsider, and Microsoft MVP. Recognizing that the greatest application performance bottleneck is a developer’s time, Jay’s continuing quest is for frameworks, modules, tools, and practices that make developers stronger, fitter, happier, and more productive. Jay resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Follow him on Twitter at @jayharris.

From localhost to production: Managing your code with Azure DevOps

Your code compiles. Your unit tests pass. Your website works on localhost. But “It works on my machine” does not get your site deployed to your production environment. Azure DevOps can handle much of the process of between localhost and production. Continuous Integration can build and test your application, release workflows can automate your deployments to test and production environments, and everything can be customized to employ manual interaction and gatekeeping for quality control and human oversight. Getting your application to production does not need to be an invasive, manual process. Learn to use the strength of Azure DevOps to manage your path to Production.

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