Sho Fola!

Life Learner, Technologist, Speaker & Machine Learning Practitioner

Synthesizing information and making connections is at the heart of most of what I do. I love connecting the dots across so many domains. From building apps that focus on connecting people and their data to writing articles or speaking at conferences, I use any medium at my disposal to achieve this aim. You can catch me in my free time using SciKit Learn and PyTorch to tackle NLP challenges. The only thing that tops that is spending time being a husband and father of three amazing kids

How to be Right, A Lot

Is good judgment innate or something you can nurture? Making decisions personally and professionally has consequences when you are wrong. In the work place, the stakes can be high when customer impact or employee impact has negative repercussions. As a knowledge worker or leader, your ability to make good decisions will set you apart from your peers. In this talk, you’ll learn what gets in the way of making good decisions and predictions. You’ll also walk away with tips on how to improve your judgement and instincts in the midst of uncertainty.

1:10 PM

Live Stream