Putting the FUN back in Fundamentals: Data Structures, Algorithms, and More!
In this session, we will bring FUN back to Fundamentals as we:
* Look at favorite data structures and algorithms from the 70s, 80s, and 90s: where are they today? You won't believe #7!
* Discover why hashes aren't just for breakfast.
* Discover the Lolrus' favorite data structure (hint: it's got a bukkit).
* Discover why some searches gallop and others proceed at a snail's pace.
* Face hard truths: sometimes brute force is the best method.
* Face harder truths: someone has to maintain the code you write today... and they know where you live.
* Face the hardest truth: CPU, Memory, Storage, and I/O are not infinite.
And... most importantly... discover the BEST algorithm and the BEST data structure.