Sam Basu!

Developer Advocate

Sam Basu is a technologist, author, speaker, Microsoft MVP, gadget-lover and Developer Advocate at Progress Software. With a long developer background, he now spends much of his time advocating modern development platforms & tools on Microsoft/Telerik technology stacks. His spare times call for travel, fast cars, cricket and culinary adventures. You can find him as @samidip on the internet.

Mobile & Desktop Apps with Blazor!

With Blazor, developers get to build modern web apps with C#/.NET, running on server or fully client-side through WebAssembly. But Blazor’s flexibility can also be leveraged to target mobile & desktop form factors. Blazor is very suitable for writing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that are excellent web citizens on mobile devices. Blazor can also be used to build truly native or hybrid cross-platform apps, thus inviting .NET web developers into mobile land and sharing code better. Powered by .NET MAUI under the covers, developers get to benefit from native UI & performance, while writing Blazor syntax for the UI abstraction. For desktop, Blazor apps can be wrapped inside Electron-like shells, but modern runtimes demand more lightweight WebViews – .NET MAUI provides the perfect bootstrapping and Blazor Hybrid is here to power desktop apps on MacOS & Windows. The familiarity of Blazor component model, Razor rendering engine, CSS styling & extensibility can now be applied towards building mobile & desktop apps, all the while sharing code with web. You game?

3:30 PM

Aware (Live 28 - Simul 18, 19)