Brian Riazzi!

Insight Senior Software Developer

Brian is a software engineer out of Columbus OH. He has 10 years experience with a focus on JavaScript and other frontend techologies. As a consultant at Insight Brian enjoys giving presentations to coworkers and clients about exciting new technologies in order to keep everyone's skills sharp! When not at work Brian is trying to find new restaurants to try, wrangling his kids, or finding time to snuggle up with his dogs on the couch and play a good video game.

React Native and Expo CLI: Developing and Testing Your First App

React Native is a powerful cross platform framework for building mobile apps using JavaScript & React. We'll talk about the basics of React Native and what Expo and Expo CLI are. Next we'll set up the development environment, create, and test our first app! This talk will be more hands on than a traditional slide deck so be prepared to follow along on your laptop to get the most out of this talk! Note: Some experience with React will help but isn't necessary to get the most out of this talk.

3:30 PM

Nebula (Live 16 - Simul 21)