PJ Hagerty!

Founder of DevRelate.io and Chief Community Officer

PJ is the founder of DevRelate.io and a board member of Open Sourcing Mental Illness (OSMIhelp.org). He is an organizer of DevOps Days Buffalo, CodeDaze, and ElixirDaze. PJ is a developer, writer, speaker, musician, and Community Advocate. He is known to travel the world speaking about programming and the way people think and interact. He is also known for wearing hats.

Coding and the Mozart Effect

Most developers code to music...some are even musicians themselves. Is it possible to streamline workflow by adjusting how we listen to music and what music we listen to? Studies have shown that exposure to certain kinds of music can help to develop cognitive strength and improve performance of tasks. This talk will explore those studies and show what sort of things can be done to improve the listeners environment and help people to create better code.

3:30 PM

Starlord (Live 4 - Simul 5,6,7,8,9)