Matt Eland!

Microsoft MVP & AI Specialist at Leading EDJE

Matt Eland is a software engineering leader and data scientist who has served as a senior engineer, software engineering manager, professional programming instructor, and has helped build enterprise-level software at a variety of organizations before distinguishing himself as a Microsoft MVP in Artificial Intelligence. Matt is an AI Specialist at Leading EDJE, is the author of "Refactoring with C#" and the upcoming "Data Science in .NET" book. Matt is also building a LinkedIn Learning course on Computer Vision on Azure, a personal AI agent, and pursuing a master's degree in data analytics. Matt occasionally sleeps as well.

Making your code suck less without setting fire to production

Technical debt and legacy code are pure poison to most development teams. Every organization is saddled with technical debt and wants to get to a safer place, but many are stymied in fear, uncertainty, and doubt. It doesn't have to be this way. In this talk we'll cover the process of safely refactoring code through guided tests, built-in code analysis and refactoring tools, architectural decisions, and replacing vertical slices of your applications iteratively (no more failed large rewrites!). We'll also explore the critically important factors relevant to refactoring code in enterprise organizations and agile environments including getting buy-in for paying down technical debt and rolling out changes in a safe and repeatable manner. While the talk is less centered on individual languages and tooling and more focused on high-level strategies, we will cover some specific examples in C# and VS Code.

9:45 AM

Empire (Live 14 - Simul 12, 13)