This year’s sessions

We’re excited about this awesome group of speakers and sessions for 2024. We’ll update this with the schedule details soon!

Session Speaker Category
How To Get Started With AI: Moving Beyond ChatGPT Data, AI, ML
Unlocking the Future of Mobile Apps: Bid Farewell to app stores and welcome in Blazor WebAssembly Mobile & Desktop App Development
Leadership Journey: From Individual Contributor to Leader Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
A Beginner's Guide to Android App Performance Mobile & Desktop App Development
Shining a Light on Debugging: Lessons from a Lightbulb Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
Usability Testing Without a UX Specialist Software Quality - Testing, Process, Code Reviews, etc.
Why Your API Needs a Spec and How to Get It One Architecture, Patterns
Productive Get-togethers: running meetings that should NOT have been an email! Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
Making your code suck less without setting fire to production Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
Is Everyone AI-ing Without Me? A .NET Developers Guide to AI Data, AI, ML
Messaging With Limits: Concurrent, Multi-Stage Data Processing in the Real World Architecture, Patterns
Using Web Components to Scale Your UX Full Stack Web Development
Lazy guide to open source software risk assessment Security
Brain maxed out? Add a Second Brain! Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
Intro to MAUI for Makers IoT, Home Automation, Maker Topics
Why overcomplicate when HTML will do? Architecture, Patterns
Sabotage Productivity the CIA Way Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
Introduction to Azure Infrastructure as Code Cloud, Infra, DevOps
Understanding How Your CPU Thinks Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
Modular Monoliths - The Goldilocks Architecture? Architecture, Patterns
State-of-the-art Search with Azure AI Search Data, AI, ML
I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost Products: A human centered approach to breathe life into unused products Design, Product Strategy
The Freedom Shift: A Developer's Path to Independent Consultant Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
The Unified Code Base Mobile & Desktop App Development
Beyond Request/Response: Why and how we should change the way we build web applications Full Stack Web Development
Is Your Software Going to Fail? Architecture, Patterns
Real World Minimal APIs Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
The Power of 'No' Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
The Language of Languages Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
Open Source XAML Takes You Places! Mobile & Desktop App Development
A 101 in time series analytics with Apache Arrow, Pandas and Parquet Data, AI, ML
Docker Unleashed: Enhancing Local Environments with Ease Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Replacing Old Systems Design, Product Strategy
Machine learning belongs in a museum! Data, AI, ML
This is a Promise That You'll Understand Asynchronous Programming with JavaScript Architecture, Patterns
Variables of the Veracious Variety: How to Better Name your Variables Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
Privacy by Design in Software Development Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
Bug Bounty Recon - Bypassing Geographic DNS with Ensemble Security
#gitPanic - Merging and Rebasing Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
End-to-End Testing in the Age of Containers Software Quality - Testing, Process, Code Reviews, etc.
Being a Good "Evil Overlord": Keeping Your AI Code Generating Minion in Line with TDD Software Quality - Testing, Process, Code Reviews, etc.
Joe the Axolotl, Clever Closet, & Demonic Robots - Weird Projects of Tech-Savvy Middle School Girls Professional Skills, Leadership, Business
What Does Security Look Like When Building AI? Security
Let's Build A Simple Web Server From Scratch Architecture, Patterns
Streams, not Waterfalls - Improving Page Load and Core Web Vitals Full Stack Web Development
The Illustrated Guide to Node.js Application Languages, Frameworks, Fundamentals
Doing DevOps Right: Trunk-based Development, CICD, and IaC Cloud, Infra, DevOps
Swimming in the Lake of Microsoft Fabrics Data, AI, ML
Movie Trailers